SPOILERS AHEAD. Amy Schumer's latest comedic offering, "I Feel Pretty," has a simple premise (and no B story): a chubby 20something young adult woman, Renee, trying to fit in to a world of emaciated females, impossible ideals of beauty and vanity really struggling. Gyms, mirrors, dating websites, boutique clothing stores all serve to remind her that she doesn't fit i n. Literally. However, she's whip smart, runs the website for a cosmetic firm and has great ideas for the company (this will play out in a big way later on). The film easily holds our attention without being precious or precocious. It references the wishful movie "Big" while at the same time actually imitating it. Renee makes a wish that comes true and...predictably it gets reversed by the end of the film. She becomes what she always wanted to be..."beautiful." Or does she? We don't actually get to see what she sees, and it's better that way. Renee begins working...